Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd. & CRC LPG Co. Ltd.
Specification drafting, system design and implemented commissioned the automation system for the world's largest LPG Autogas refilling stations project with a combined capacity to refill 108 automobiles simultaneously and 60 tons LPG storage capacity.
Wing Mou LPG Co. Ltd., Hong Kong
Designed, implemented and commissioned a thuristor controlled electric direct LPG vaporizing system for an aluminum processing plant in Dong Guang, China. The system includes thyristor power control to 4 units of direct heating vaporizers with precise temperature control, safety interlocks and load tracking.
Hefei Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned a high-speed cascaded PID loop with feed-forward control for a direct LPG injected coal gas enriching system with a capacity of 18,000 Nm3/hr.
Miyun Gas Corporation, China
Designed and implemented the automation system for a Synthetic Natural Gas production system with a capacity of 2,000 Nm3/hr.
Baotou Gas Corporation, China
Designed and commissioned the SCADA system and commissioned a SLC500 automation system for a Synthetic Natural Gas production system(Phase 1) in Inner Monolia, China with a capacity of 3,000 Nm3/hr.
Mobil Taicang LPG Co. Ltd., China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the Plant Control System and the Emergency Shutddown System for a LPG depot near Shanghai. The system was equipped with software implemented redundant warm standby system and was the first of it kind in China.
Tongshan Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned a coal gas enriching system similar to the system in Hefei with updated S7-3000 automation system and a full SCADA HMI package. PI loops implemented as software loops with more advanced signal processing and user-friendlier operator controls(System capacity: 8,000 Nm3/hr).
Bautou Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation ad process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas production system (Phase 2) in Inner Monogolia, China with advanced sequencing control of air compressors, boilers, vaporizers and blenders. The system also controls the calorific value of the SNG with PID loops(System capacity: 5,000 Nm3/hr).
Shaoguan Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas production system similar to Bautou Phase 2(System capacity: 3,000 Nm3/hr).
Xuchang Gas Corporation, China
Designed and implemented the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas production system using Profibus-DP networks for decentralized peripherals.
Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd. & CRC LPG Co. Ltd.
Specification drafting, system design and implemented commissioned the automation system for the world's largest LPG Autogas refilling stations project with a combined capacity to refill 108 automobiles simultaneously and 60 tons LPG storage capacity.
Huaiyin Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas Production system(System capacity: 3,000 Nm3/hr).
Dan Dong Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas Production system.
Shanghai Shi Dong Kou Gas Co. Ltd.
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas Production system.
HuaRun Petroleum Co. Ltd.
Designed, implemented and commissioned the Hot Backup automation system for AutoGas refueling station application.
NanTong Gas Corporation, China
Designed, implemented and commissioned the automation and process control system for a Synthetic Natural Gas Production system.